Old Trolley Line — Easthampton
42.28599° N, 72.65077° W
(copy and paste GPS coordinates into browser search bar for exact location)
This trail follows the old trolley track running from Northampton to Easthampton. It’s straight as an arrow running through Arcadia and adjacent wetlands. This was the first 70°+ day of the year. Just lovely.
Skunk cabbage was out in full force. I’m sure there are Bears galore on this trail at night!
From the parking area—this is the eastbound side of the trail running into Arcadia. It runs straight until it hits trees that have fallen across the path further inside Arcadia.
42.28599° N, 72.65077° W
(copy and paste GPS coordinates into browser search bar for exact location)
This trail follows the old trolley track running from Northampton to Easthampton. It’s straight as an arrow running through Arcadia and adjacent wetlands. This was the first 70°+ day of the year. Just lovely.
Skunk cabbage was out in full force. I’m sure there are Bears galore on this trail at night!
From the parking area—this is the eastbound side of the trail running into Arcadia. It runs straight until it hits trees that have fallen across the path further inside Arcadia.